вторник, 30 июня 2009 г.

A little more than 7 hours!!!

понедельник, 29 июня 2009 г.

It will be our time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

воскресенье, 28 июня 2009 г.


How do you feel before the start???

четверг, 25 июня 2009 г.

зворотній відлік

days to become real!

Настрій перед ЛСС

Привіт ще раз!

Сьогодні я провела з вами майже півдня. І зараз замість того, щоб готувати сесії на конференцію, думаю про те, як там буде класно! Так хочеться, щоб нарешті вона почалась. А ще, хочеться, щоб запам"яталась нашій локалці. 


така особлива конференція для нас....для всіх....для Ірки.. Лільки, Олега...Оксі..., навіть для Мартухи, бо такої команди вона не мала ще)))))

сижу і думаю... цікаво як то буде . як ми будемо працювати. як будемо реалізовувати всі наші задумки. як будемо після насиченого дня, проведеного разом, здзвонюватись і розказувати як пройшов день. ууууууу, кльово))) 

Ваша Лю

понедельник, 22 июня 2009 г.


untill we`ll become the best!

Is it True????



untill the beginning of our term!!!!

From the start we will go!!!

суббота, 20 июня 2009 г.

It`s a final countdown
10 days
to the new feelings
to the hard work
to the beginning of our EB term!
Take a challenge

a happy small update about us:)

Should say that i'm very happy now:) Why? - you'll ask

for several happy reasons:)

1. Our team joined Lilya Kolesnyk, and she'll be leading Communications direction next year. I'm very happy for you, dear, for our team, for Communications, for our LC.

2. With Lyubzya I visited a cool seminar from P&G in Kyiv previous Friday. It's so great to see how HR works at international company, to meet there a girl who opened LC in Uzhgorod, to feel a great atmosphere of professionalism

3. Rusya had tough weeks of matching and sommunicationg with our interns. Thanks to her, we'll have 8 interns for the 2nd wave Summer Camp. She's a matching guru! But don't telll her, i was telling you this:))

4. Brahmunchyk successfully celebrated his 19th birthday:) Almost signed a contract with Precarpathian University, is coping with his exams and perezdachi. Ahhh, and pretending to be the smallest in our EB team:)

5. Oksanka created one of the best LC budgets in Ukraine and got selected for summer practise in Rayffayzen!!!

6. I got selected as faci for PROMS'09 in Russia. It'll be my first international faci XP. :))

It's only one week to start our term, can you believe it, guys????

четверг, 18 июня 2009 г.

Dear Brahmunchyk, Happy Birthday!

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics

суббота, 6 июня 2009 г.

Wishlist for the year

  1. Ukraine remembers us for the most qualitative projects
  2. Financial Stability
  3. LCD projector
  4. Many realized Organizational Goals (M, L, X, L+X, X+L)
  5. Minimum 2 OCPs went for X after their term of OCP XP
  6. Great Reception for all our interns
  7. Well-prepared and competitive succussors
  8. All key positions for EB covered:
  9. Competition for leadership positions
  10. The whole EB team went for international conferences
  11. MC team to be added with representatives from Ivano-Frankivsk
  12. With the help of Lucas set cooperations with Brazilian LCs
  13. Strong Cooperations with international LCs
  14. Productive Cooperations with minimum 2 universities
  15. Project 'Youth in Action' to be realized
  16. LC became and stayed a full memeber LC
  17. LC Ivano-Frankivsk - in the list of top 15 LCs in the world
  18. Members of EB were facis at international conferences
  19. AIESEC spirit and poractiveness during our term: conferences
  • events
  • sense of humor
  • the coolest EXchange
  • the most active delegates at New Horizons